Alessandro Baldoni

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The life and works of Alessandro Baldoni


His own story

Alessandro Baldoni lives in Bocca di Magra (Spezia), a pleasant haven of serenity and beauty for artists and poets, where blue dominates in all its shades, surrounded by the green of Caprione or the intense blue of the Apuan Alps. At times, blue gives way to stormy, leaden skies that tower above the earth, alternating with a mother-of-pearl light that reflects in the river and the sea. Turner's skies. Dramatic skies. It is difficult to remain insensitive when nature offers so much, to resist the desire to capture a sensation or a vision, an emotion that arises from within, that grows and mutates together with our being.


Alessandro Baldoni, son of this land, captures a world that is broader than the reality that surrounds him. He seeks to reproduce a version of it perceived according to the attention that is placed on it, but filtered by the mood of the moment, like the rebellion of the eye or of the mind to focus instead on an emotion, on some immediately preceding thought: thus, real images form the basis for images formed in the mind as memories, like in a blurry photograph.


His paintings

Baldoni only recently decided to exhibit his work in public. He integrates consumer materials such as Forex, an expression of a contemporary world that allows the use of space to access the unconscious through emotion, like the traditional canvas. The result is a modern yet sensitive, attentive kind of painting that suggests thoughts and emotions and invites you to linger.


It is experimental painting – though not devoid of a personal aesthetic – which explores different expressive modes because, even though it originates from concrete places and from life itself, it is filtered through the personality of a contemporary human being.


I paint to express things I cannot express in any other way. Words are sometimes not enough, and painting is my way of confronting myself, of discussing.
I  aim to become recognisable less for my “traits” and more for the emotional impact all my work has on the viewer: I want to make the viewer feel directly involved, that they have experienced an idea, but one that also suggests enough doubt to keep them engaged with the painting, isolated from the context so that they notice particular details that invert the first vision, the initial sensation. Common to all my work is the ambition to make each painting a safe place to take refuge in, to investigate the most fragile of intimacies.


1. 2018
TALVOLTA SIAMO VISTI DA CIÒ CHE VEDIAMO collettiva internazionale d’arte contemporanea
2. 2020

- King House Art Magazine
"The year is 2020"


1. 2018
PERSONALE - Castello di Ameglia

Collettiva d'arte - Villa Mazzotti - Chiari (BS)

Collettiva internazionale d'arte contemporanea- "Bunker " Villa Caldogno (VI)
2. 2019
Humans" mostra d'arte contemporanea _SanLorenzo Arte galleria_ Poppi (AR)

- Airopen 2019_ collettiva internazionale d'arte contemporanea_Air Gallery_ Manchester

- "Counter/Balance"_ArtCan open 2019_collettiva internazionale d'arte contemporanea_ Trinity Art gallery_ Londra

-Premio Artrise 2019_ collettiva d'arte _ Open Art Gallery_ Ivrea (TO)